Gold Rules for Lesbians & Bisexual Women for First FFF Threesome Dating & Hookups

bisexual threesome

People from the same community can pose several pitfalls when dating. This is true, especially if one nook is fair. However, you most likely have no problems, wouldn't you? There are always the same problems you encounter on a day-to-day basis: shopping, PMS, weight concerns, gossip, mood swings, and tantrums. Below are some gold rules that lesbians and bisexual women need to follow during their first FFF threesome dating and hookups.

You are a desirable property, but you must hasten

It's true; you're a hot commodity. Often, bi-curious bi-sexual women are married and in open relationships, yet they mingle with the same crowd. There are many labels available. Few women are comfortable with the label of being lesbian! There are so many closets full of gay women that they are often reluctant to come out. Having an open attitude towards your sexuality is a good thing, but be aware that the spotlight will be on you when you come out to yourself.

Women want to date someone who is interesting, presentable, has their own wheels and pad, and is financially secure. This will make your phone ring nonstop. You'll be quizzed on everything, past and present, as well as your favourite colour and fantasy. There will be house parties, sleepovers, community events, movie screenings, late night drives, and many other fun activities.

Many lezzie couples will try to set up dates for you, and you will receive much more dating advice and contact information than you expected. There will be fewer girls who are interested in you and more conversations about you. Your polite request will eventually be to do a whirligig of love and lust, which will make you feel better.

However, this spotlight is temporary and will not last long. The spotlight will be on you only as long as you are single, virginal, in a relationship, or a slut on heat. Eventually, the next attractive, single, and independent face will emerge from the lesbian scene.

Threesome Dating websites and social networking sites

Dating and social networking sites cater to almost every type of relationship, whether it's business, personal, professional, or just a simple hookup. Lesbian dating events take place on this site because it's where a lot of the opening moves occur. There is also the possibility of multiple personality disorder, and some friends have multiple Facebook handles so they can chat with people their girlfriend does not like. In addition, you may also encounter many men posing as women, inviting you to webcams and phone sex, hopefully reintroducing you to heterosexual dating! Therefore, always stay one-step ahead.

Even with downsides, the purpose of threesome websites and social networking sites is to discover strangers you might like to get in touch with, learn about their level of intelligence and emotional intelligence, and develop friendships with them. Additionally, through a chat window, it is possible to spark chemistry and engage in intelligent banter. If you want to know how a date will turn out, read up on what people have to say about it, see their pictures, and hear their views before going out.

Everybody is single

Here's the harsh truth: It may seem like everyone sitting across a coffee table is telling you so, but no one is single in the lesbian scene. There is always some undercurrent of friends with benefits, one-night stands, or exes with physical connections.

It's a good idea to brush up on your math and logic skills if you bump into a girl at a party, because you'll need them to determine if she is single or dating someone. The more mature you become, the less likely you are to be brokenhearted by your current girlfriend or be the subject of community gossip. If she is constantly chatting on BBM, being picked up and dropped off by her “best friend,” or if she is flirty over chat but comes to you but does not acknowledge you, you can safely assume she isn't single.It's just one person.

There is also an entirely different theory supporting this: You may be pursued and scouted just because you fit into a 'BLANK-SOME category.' FFF threesomes, foursomes, manysomes, and orgys experimenting with same nook relationships is very simple, and you might not be aware that you are in a numbers game.

Accept the ex-factor

A piece of advice for lesbian singles would be to be aware that the lesbian community is very incestuous. Therefore, it is imperative that you make friends with your ex-lover and fling. The numbers are just too small! Be prepared for it.

That's true. Many friends have observed ex-lovers hanging out with ex-girlfriends and current partners with no issue. Even people who are no longer in love will go to great lengths to maintain their ex-girlfriends' affection. In the lesbian community, you can achieve dating success if you win the girl and start a relationship with the ex.

It won't go well if her ex-girlfriend doesn't like you. Aside from that, bitching at your ex-girlfriend is also not a good thing. Soon she might be a part of your group or be dating one of your close friends, so eating it all up might feel like indigestion to you. Even if it is extremely difficult to stay calm and smile as your ex-girlfriend moves forward comfortably.

It's also important to remain cool when your crush has dated every woman around you before you hit the dating scene. A dinner table conversation also tests your ability to observe and to keep track of who has been with whom before you talk.

Adore women in every way

If you date a woman, you must adore everything about her. It will be helpful to have patience and perseverance. Keeping a woman's attention is hard all the time, so why not show you have something interesting to offer. Language skills, a passion for traveling, and even being proficient with poetry or photography come in handy.

Many lesbian women are excellent hosts. If cooking is not your skill, ordering the perfect takeout might be. One potential date was impressed when she fixed her car's horn in a five-star lobby in minutes. You should date a woman who can handle herself and help you in difficult times.

Safety is not found in numbers

There are the same rules in the lesbian world that apply to dating in any playground: Be friends, go on dates with friends, and find out what your partner is interested in. When you like a girl, you should avoid going out with your lesbian friends for lesbian threesome. Subtlety isn't easy to achieve, and flirting could wreck any romance. Furthermore, by the time you decide, you may have been approached by a friend who seems well-meaning and find yourself high and dry or forced into intimacy/decisions faster than you'd prefer. When dating your potential girlfriend, it is wise and very practical to invite your straight friends along. Your straight girlfriends will not make eye contact with you and won't give you their phone numbers.

They will also share useful insights into their perspectives with you. Additionally, you can address issues such as her emotional stability, comfort with the coming out process, and conversation about your shared interests in a relaxed and at your own pace manner. Likewise, if you decide to separate, it won't affect the entire group, so it might be a bit easier to pick up the pieces.


In the L-world, there are opinions formed before people get to know you, so managing perceptions and people is more important than managing brands. A lesbian friend can happily "nip" a relationship that might have developed by telling another she isn't her cup of tea. Those who identify as lesbians are often self-obsessed, hypersensitive to criticism, and gossipy. Most of the time, dating your ex-best friend would not be difficult. If you have dated a few women and slept with others, then you might have to deal with more gossip and labels than you can stand. However, the lesbian cult is incestuous, so learning to become part of this endlessly circulating maze is an excellent decision, because there is no escape.